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Frequently Asked Questions

About Digilocker

The following sections make up your DigiLocker account:

Dashboard — Your DigiLocker account’s home screen, from which you can browse to various aspects of DigiLocker. This also includes a summary of issued papers as well as a link to get documents from DigiLocker partners.

Issued Documents – This section displays a list of URIs (links) to digital documents or certifications issued by DigiLocker-integrated government departments and agencies.

Uploaded Documents — This section displays all documents that you have uploaded. You can change the document type and share the papers you’ve submitted.

Documents You’ve Shared — This section displays a list of documents you’ve shared with others (via. email).

Activity — This area keeps track of all of your DigiLocker account’s activity. The log contains information on file uploads, downloads, and sharing, among other things.

Issuers – This section is a list of the departments and agencies that have registered as Issuers with DigiLocker. If these departments have issued you with any documents or certificates, they will display in your Issued Documents section as a URI (link).

Citizens’ Benefits:

  1. Anytime, Anywhere Access to Important Documents!
  2. Authentic documents that are legally equivalent to originals.
  3. Citizens’ consent is required for the exchange of digital documents.
  4. Government benefits, employment, financial inclusion, education, and health care all benefit from faster service delivery.

Benefits to Agencies:

  1. Reduced Administrative Overhead: aimed at the concept of paperless governance. It reduces the administrative overhead by minimizing the use of paper and curtailing the verification process.
  2. Digital Transformation: provides trusted issued documents. Issued Documents available via DigiLocker are fetched in real-time directly from the issuing agency.
  3. Secure Document Gateway: acts as a secure document exchange platform like payment gateway between trusted issuer and trusted Requester/Verifier with the consent of the citizen.
  4. Real Time Verification: provides a verification module enabling government agencies to verify data directly from issuers after obtaining user consent.


DigiLocker is completely safe and secure to use. We do care about your privacy and take all precautionary measures to ensure your data is protected and uncompromised.

We adopt following practices:

Standard Practices: DigiLocker follows standard software development practices of uniform coding standards, guidelines and reviews. Every release is reviewed and tested internally for security and penetration vulnerabilities before getting deployed on our servers.

256 Bit SSL Encryption: DigiLocker uses 256 bit secure socket layer (SSL) Encryption for information transmitted during any activity.

Mobile Authentication based Sign Up: DigiLocker uses mobile authentication based signup via OTP (one time password) for authenticating users and allowing access to the platform.

ISO 27001 certified Data Centre: The application is hosted on ISO 27001 security certified data centre.

Data Redundancy: Data is backed up in secure environment with proper redundancy.

Timed Log Out: To protect citizen’s account from unauthorized access, our system is designed to terminate session automatically if extended inactivity is detected.

Security Audit: DigiLocker audited by recognized audit agencies and the application security audit certificate are obtained at regular intervals.

User Consent Based System: The data from DigiLocker is shared only with the citizen’s explicit consent. All sharing and access activities are logged and conveyed to the citizen. Organizations that need access to citizens’ certificates need to register on DigiLocker and seek explicit consent from the citizen.

Sign In/Sign Up

It’s simple to sign up for DigiLocker; all you need is your phone number or Aadhaar number. An OTP (one-time password) will be sent to your mobile/Aadhaar number, followed by the setup of your security PIN for 2-factor authentication. Your DigiLocker account will be created as a result of this.

The DigiLocker/UIDAI system generates a random one-time password that is transmitted to your registered mobile number.

The OTP is only valid for ten minutes. If you enter the OTP after 10 minutes, it will become invalid, and you will need to request a new one.

Your mobile must be linked to your Aadhaar number in order to link your DigiLocker account with it. Please double-check that this is the case.
Visit and download your eAadhaar to confirm this. During this process, you will be able to verify the connected cellphone number (last four digits).

You need to link Mobile number with Aadhaar. Please visit nearest Aadhaar Kendra. Click the link to get list of Aadhaar enrolment centres.

For registering with DigiLocker, please make sure you have correctly entered the 12 digit Aadhaar number that you received from UIDAI in the given text box.
While using DigiLocker, the OTP is sent instantaneously. Sometimes there may be temporary problems either on our servers (while generating/sending OTP) or in delivery of the SMS by your mobile service provider. We suggest you wait for few more minutes and try again.

This can happen owing to technical difficulties with our servers or the UIDAI service. It’s most likely a one-time issue. Please try again after a short period of time.

You no longer need a username to log in. Instead of a username, you can use your cellphone number or Aadhaar, and after entering the OTP, you will be able to access your account.

The information displayed on your DigiLocker account’s Aadhaar profile (such as name, address, email, and mobile number) is for display purposes only. This data can only be retrieved from UIDAI, and no modifications can be made to it using DigiLocker. Please contact your local Aadhaar enrolment facility to make updates to your Aadhaar data.

Username once created in DigiLocker cannot be changed currently.
Yes, the mobile number used during the DigiLocker signup process can be updated. This option is available in the profile section (only while DigiLocker is not linked with Aadhaar).
No, it is not possible. You can register in DigiLocker using Indian mobile number only.
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