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Mast App: Mobile Application to Secure Tenure

Land governance is one thing which needs attention because unclear land ownerships result in conflicts. The global need for enhanced governance of land resulted in launching of Mast app. Moreover, for economic development and stability, informed management of land rights is a crucial thing. There are many areas in the world that face poor land governance. Poor governance causes more poverty. To overcome these challenges, USAID launched this app. It is a tool which is designed to secure land ownerships just by using technology. Furthermore, through this app, people get to know about their rights and they can also secure their ownership on their land. Also, the idea was to simplify the process of land governance. This is because of poor land governance in many parts of the world. Therefore, this app acts as a medium to overcome the challenges and make it easy for communities.

This article explores different aspects of Mast app. Moreover, the exploration includes information about how it works, what are its benefits and also the challenges this app faces. Therefore, if you do not want to skip any information about this app, read this full article.

What is Mast App ?

MAST stands for Mobile Application to Secure Tenure. It is a mobile app which helps communities to explore their rights and secure their ownership on lands. In many parts of the world, there was a clear need for improvement in land governance. Moreover, this need was recognised by United States Agency for International Development. Hence, they launched this platform through which the process could be improved. Furthermore, it provides a formal recognition for land ownerships.

In addition to this, the app was made to follow the rules of all the different regions in the world. Since every place has different rules. Therefore, the app is designed as such to follow rules as per needs. The app collaborates with various NGOs and local governments for the development of the process.

Collection of Data on Mast App

 The app creates a digital map by recording the data provided by users. Users can collect all the geographical data through their phones. Moreover, this data can be collected by walking the boundaries of the land. Then, by using this data, the app creates a map. Furthermore, users can also attach photos to those digital maps. Therefore, through this, users can provide precise visual evidence of landmarks.

Description of Spatial Data

The app also collects characteristics of spatial data. In this information, the users can provide information such as type of land, disputes, information regarding the landowner, etc.

Therefore, the information collected by the app is in-depth. Thus, it creates the accurate record of the land ownership.

No Technical Expertise Needed

The app does not require users to be experts in technical terms. It is easily comprehensible and accessible. Mast app guides users in a simple and intuitive manner. Therefore, it is user friendly. However, the app is designed only for android devices.

Verification of Data

To verify the accuracy of data, it is reviewed by local authorities. Hence, the app ensures the legitimacy of land rights on documents. Moreover, the data is then secured in the database. Users can refer to the documents later for the purpose of recognition of their ownership on land. Hence, the secured database ensures eliminates of conflicts regarding land tenure.

Securing Land Tenure

For the recognition of land tenure, this app stands out as a reliable one. Earlier when the rights of land owners were not secured, the investments on land and agriculture slowed down. However, this app secures their ownership. Therefore, now people tend to invest more in land. The Mast app provides a sense of protection to people. As a result, the agricultural productivity can increase ultimately leading to development of the sector.

 Reducing Conflicts over Land

Having a formal record and evidence of ownership protects the rights of owners. Therefore, land disputes can be easily resolved by referring to the data secured in the app. Moreover, sometimes land disputes turn into violent attacks and crime. However, this app helps in eliminating such conflicts securing both the rights and lives of users.

Technical Challenges Faced by Mast App

The app is designed in a user-friendly way as mentioned earlier. However, there still are some technical issues that this app sometimes faces. These issues can be addressed by technical support and proper training. These challenges are –

  • The battery life of smartphones
  • Data synchronisation
  • Accuracy of GPS.
Mast App
Mast App

Final Thoughts

The launch of Mast app aims at enhancing the quality of land governance in many parts of the world. Moreover, MAST stands for Mobile Application to Secure Tenure. It enhances the governance of land by simplifying the process of formal recognition of land. Furthermore, the app collects the spatial and attributed data provided by the users. Plus, to verify the data, the data is then reviewed by local authorities. Therefore, it ensures accuracy and legitimacy of ownership.

It records the data and secures it in the database. Therefore, users can use it as an evidence of their ownership on the land. Through this app, land disputes can be reduced. In addition to the benefits, this app cab being social stability and economic development.

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